Saturday, December 17, 2011

Prepping for winter

I am a new homeowner, and living in my new home while also making repairs to it. I had been living in California in the Central Valley. Now I am living in KY. It's a different climate and elevation. Things that I hadn't considered before are now very important. One thing that I have discovered is freezing pipes. I haven't had a chance to insulate under my home yet, and so I was surprised one morning that my pipes were frozen. I was able to get them defrosted without damage to the plumbing (which was a huge relief, since it is all new anyway). I have learned however that at the very least the pipe will have to be insulated. With the help of my totally awesome daughter we have been doing just that, insulating the pipe under my home. My daughter had to help because it is an unusually narrow crawl space and she being a small teen is the right size and age to help. I know that I will have many more things to do that will help us through our first winter, but it made me think about prepping. Sometimes I think of prepping for an emergency and needing to evacuate. But there is value in prepping and maintaining our homes. So not to neglect my responsibilities to my home and family but to remember to include all aspects of prepping even if it is just in maintaining my home.

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