
I hope that you find my site interesting and informative. I can only claim to be an expert on my life experiences, though I did attend college and earn a BA in Psychology, in reality I think the only expert in human behavior and the workings of the human mind is God.
My hobbies include Prepping, Genealogy, Reading (mostly fiction- hey I like little reality vacations), Travel, and Organization among others. Maybe we share some in common, I hope so. This Blog is going to focus on prepping, and a little on genealogy.
Update: (December 20,2011) I noticed that if I do a significant update on each of the tabbed pages that I can spend 2-3hours, while that might be okay sometimes, sometimes it is too much (I have to work and take care of my family too). I will make updates. Only the prepping page is a typical blog, the other pages aren't like a typical blog and may be updated out of calendar order, but I do date when things are added so that you can skip to the things that you haven't read yet. The Prepping page has labels to make searching easier. Thank you for understanding, and for supporting my newest adventure of blogging!

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