Sunday, April 15, 2012

Missing in Action??

You may have noticed that I have seemed to be MIA lately. Well I'll update you on my progress. I have been getting my lawn (all 2.8 acres) mowed, drywall attached and have started substitute teaching. I have also finally gotten all of the building materials out of my living room and arranged the furniture in a way that I am still liking. I have been working on building keeping track of the standby recipes that my family likes as well as trying out a few new ones so that I can try to determine what I really want to store for my long term storage. I am also trying to finish off some more projects before my first out of town guest comes to visit. (Yea, Mom's coming). So while I haven't been very diligent in writing down all of my experiences and ideas, I have been working towards this goal. I really want to thank my good neighbor for mowing my lawn for me. It took a tremendous amount of time and really needed to not just be mowed but bush hogged. It was a wonderful gift. I have said it before and I'd like to say it again, this is a great place to live, I have great neighbors and friends. I am so grateful for my children who've been helping me through this rough allergy patch, in which I've had to take antihistamines, and decongestants enough where you get that medicine head and don't feel like doing much. I know I am blessed, and I am grateful. Here is a video of my property.